Perhaps this could be an extreme sport climbing in winter compared to the Alps ... rafting!
After the publication of the climb to the alpine winter Pania della Croce, 1858m Apuan Alps, in the meantime there's a website coming soon, we present a raft exit, follow me!
Paramotor, an extreme sport?
An impressive flight over the hills of Volterra Francesco Benini and Thomas with their paramotor, on SKY in the "Blog Notes Extreme Sports" by Nat Geo Adventure
Marrakech to Fez 02.2010 is canceled
The trip from Marrakech to Fez was canceled due to bureaucratic problems had morning this morning at the airport, the cost was clear departure!
Do not give the victory to my favorite customs officers, I will need the stamp on the passport at a cost of 40 euros and will start with a few weeks late now, but sooner or later it will be my Morocco!
Do not forget to follow me! You see my page!
Do not give the victory to my favorite customs officers, I will need the stamp on the passport at a cost of 40 euros and will start with a few weeks late now, but sooner or later it will be my Morocco!
Do not forget to follow me! You see my page!
The last trip of Giorgio Bettinelli
Not everyone can understand Italian, let alone understand what it says Giorgio Bettinelli in this great video of the Feltrinelli Editore. First of all, who was Giorgio Bettinelli?
His first trip departs from Mentana, where he was resident in the province of Rome, in 1992 assigned Saigon, where he arrives nine months later - March 1993 - covering 24,000 kilometers. The second part to arrive from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego and lasts from 1994 to 1995 on a journey of 36,000 kilometers. The third connects Melbourne to Cape Town, for a total of 52,000 km run between 1995 and 1996. The fourth and last, called Odyssey Worldwide, is a veritable world tour, lasting more than three years, from October 1997 to May 2001: the place of departure is the Tierra del Fuego and destination and Tasmania . It covers 144,000 kilometers through Alaska, Siberia, entering Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar, and by walking across to Djibouti through again to Cape Town, then drive along the entire south Asia from Yemen to Indonesia , until the last continent, Australia, and the final destination, Tasmania. During this trip Giorgio Bettinelli was also kidnapped by a guerrilla group in Congo, but was released shortly afterwards robbed of everything but his life saved. The now-experienced pilot travelers decided not to stop, and then had another great trip in the only country he has not path with China (where he moved and married), which was followed by the exit his latest book La Cina in Vespa.
Giorgio Bettinelli died in Jinghong, China, September 16, 2008, at the age of 53 years for a sudden illness. There he lived for four years, on the banks of the Mekong, with his wife Yapei. Was preparing another book, this time on Tibet.
Giorgio Bettinelli in this video says:
Unlike the other four trips made before the wasp, this fifth trip has a specialty all its own, since the four previous trips have led me in the course of fifteen years to cover, 260.000km in 134 countries around the world twice five continents.
This fifth trip, but covers only one country was a trip of a year and a half in which I have a zig zag path, but also identifying the route less zig zag, zig schizophrenic zagante eventually was because, The objective of this trip was ok through an exhaustive one country, touching all the capitals, of the 33 geographic areas, 34 for China include Taiwan, 33 geographic areas make up this huge mosaic of China, which is now, it has become fashionable to call big question of China's economic boom, and which I for one, like many other Europeans and Italians, little is known, if one says Missouri, Minnesota, Texas, Arcansal, good or bad, everyone knows where they go to parry if you say Ouba, Eibay, Henan, Ounan, Sinjan, Jeinjan, which are states and provinces, as big as American ones, if not much more, little is known yet. I already lived in China for two years and a half, when I managed to get a Chinese driving license, a driving Chinese, was not recognized internationally, simultaneously with the gesture that I stuck it in the pocket, there's been this idea why not try to make a trip, then over time they told me that was never done, nor ever by a Chinese first, because there was not just the historical conditions and economic to do so, let not by a foreigner.
More often I was asked when you finish a trip, what do you feel?
Before I have always traveled, I traveled in a manner that is also almost pathological, because at fourteen I went hitchhiking from Crema, where I was born in Copenhagen, not only with the permission, but with the money my father, fifteen years North Africa was then, at seventeen was the baptism of the road, baptism, confirmation and active militancy all at once, which made me take a magic bus, those who left full of scocciatoni of freak, which left London from Trieste there was an empty seat for me, and that was really the first trip, "72 to seventeen years, India was quite different from what is now, and besides, I too was. And then there were these other trip, then these four, now five trips wasp.
The common denominator, especially the latter, once arrived at destination, and crossed the line Mental arrival of a syndrome, "Yeh-Yeh I've done," and sometimes when we talk about African wasp crossed with a journey from Tangier to Cape Town, Cape Town in Djibouti, 30 African realities, of which fifteen were at war, and in brutal war, not the tank, which is a machete, in areas such as: Sierra Leone , Liberia, there are no past, but I skirted the border, Angola, in 1999, was perhaps the most hellish country, the worst country where a child could be born.
Ever happened to me this, for each arrival, beyond this explosion of joy that in truth there never was, the strongest feeling was that of the, melancholy, because the journey was over, especially after the first Travel from Rome to Saigon, I did not know if I could do another one, but meanwhile there have been many, but this sadness larvatamente aromatic arrival, there's always been.
If one leaves for a short trip, a week, a month, may be left at home all the rest and only focus on the journey before him, who is running for sixteen years in wasp, must also be focused on his life, on What is happening inside him at that time, and not just on a much more documentation that goes on around him.
And China is a country with incredible, the stimuli for the points of reflection, for history, which was often tragic, but to me these things were happening in the meantime, and then start thinking to censor this part staff, only to tell what they saw his eyes, then I said, no sincerity is not up to who is writing his life on the go, and I really put the soul in the square, telling what has now happened to me , which takes away in terms of numbers, perhaps a half of the book, in a Chinese context, because now there are four and a half years that I live there, with little indulgence towards me, sometimes with little mercy, registering with the heart hand what was happening inside, and around, with the sincerity of a person sincere or a fool, depending on your point of view.
And I hope that the book has come out, you like.
(Crema, 15 May 1955 - Jinghong, China, September 16, 2008) was a journalist, writer, songwriter and Italian travelers.
Arts degree at the University of Rome, is famous for its four long trips made aboard a Vespa. In fact, during his stay in Indonesia, as payment of a series of debts, he is presented with a Vespa fell in love immediately.His first trip departs from Mentana, where he was resident in the province of Rome, in 1992 assigned Saigon, where he arrives nine months later - March 1993 - covering 24,000 kilometers. The second part to arrive from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego and lasts from 1994 to 1995 on a journey of 36,000 kilometers. The third connects Melbourne to Cape Town, for a total of 52,000 km run between 1995 and 1996. The fourth and last, called Odyssey Worldwide, is a veritable world tour, lasting more than three years, from October 1997 to May 2001: the place of departure is the Tierra del Fuego and destination and Tasmania . It covers 144,000 kilometers through Alaska, Siberia, entering Africa through the Strait of Gibraltar, and by walking across to Djibouti through again to Cape Town, then drive along the entire south Asia from Yemen to Indonesia , until the last continent, Australia, and the final destination, Tasmania. During this trip Giorgio Bettinelli was also kidnapped by a guerrilla group in Congo, but was released shortly afterwards robbed of everything but his life saved. The now-experienced pilot travelers decided not to stop, and then had another great trip in the only country he has not path with China (where he moved and married), which was followed by the exit his latest book La Cina in Vespa.
Giorgio Bettinelli died in Jinghong, China, September 16, 2008, at the age of 53 years for a sudden illness. There he lived for four years, on the banks of the Mekong, with his wife Yapei. Was preparing another book, this time on Tibet.
Giorgio Bettinelli in this video says:
Unlike the other four trips made before the wasp, this fifth trip has a specialty all its own, since the four previous trips have led me in the course of fifteen years to cover, 260.000km in 134 countries around the world twice five continents.
This fifth trip, but covers only one country was a trip of a year and a half in which I have a zig zag path, but also identifying the route less zig zag, zig schizophrenic zagante eventually was because, The objective of this trip was ok through an exhaustive one country, touching all the capitals, of the 33 geographic areas, 34 for China include Taiwan, 33 geographic areas make up this huge mosaic of China, which is now, it has become fashionable to call big question of China's economic boom, and which I for one, like many other Europeans and Italians, little is known, if one says Missouri, Minnesota, Texas, Arcansal, good or bad, everyone knows where they go to parry if you say Ouba, Eibay, Henan, Ounan, Sinjan, Jeinjan, which are states and provinces, as big as American ones, if not much more, little is known yet. I already lived in China for two years and a half, when I managed to get a Chinese driving license, a driving Chinese, was not recognized internationally, simultaneously with the gesture that I stuck it in the pocket, there's been this idea why not try to make a trip, then over time they told me that was never done, nor ever by a Chinese first, because there was not just the historical conditions and economic to do so, let not by a foreigner.
More often I was asked when you finish a trip, what do you feel?
Before I have always traveled, I traveled in a manner that is also almost pathological, because at fourteen I went hitchhiking from Crema, where I was born in Copenhagen, not only with the permission, but with the money my father, fifteen years North Africa was then, at seventeen was the baptism of the road, baptism, confirmation and active militancy all at once, which made me take a magic bus, those who left full of scocciatoni of freak, which left London from Trieste there was an empty seat for me, and that was really the first trip, "72 to seventeen years, India was quite different from what is now, and besides, I too was. And then there were these other trip, then these four, now five trips wasp.
The common denominator, especially the latter, once arrived at destination, and crossed the line Mental arrival of a syndrome, "Yeh-Yeh I've done," and sometimes when we talk about African wasp crossed with a journey from Tangier to Cape Town, Cape Town in Djibouti, 30 African realities, of which fifteen were at war, and in brutal war, not the tank, which is a machete, in areas such as: Sierra Leone , Liberia, there are no past, but I skirted the border, Angola, in 1999, was perhaps the most hellish country, the worst country where a child could be born.
Ever happened to me this, for each arrival, beyond this explosion of joy that in truth there never was, the strongest feeling was that of the, melancholy, because the journey was over, especially after the first Travel from Rome to Saigon, I did not know if I could do another one, but meanwhile there have been many, but this sadness larvatamente aromatic arrival, there's always been.
If one leaves for a short trip, a week, a month, may be left at home all the rest and only focus on the journey before him, who is running for sixteen years in wasp, must also be focused on his life, on What is happening inside him at that time, and not just on a much more documentation that goes on around him.
And China is a country with incredible, the stimuli for the points of reflection, for history, which was often tragic, but to me these things were happening in the meantime, and then start thinking to censor this part staff, only to tell what they saw his eyes, then I said, no sincerity is not up to who is writing his life on the go, and I really put the soul in the square, telling what has now happened to me , which takes away in terms of numbers, perhaps a half of the book, in a Chinese context, because now there are four and a half years that I live there, with little indulgence towards me, sometimes with little mercy, registering with the heart hand what was happening inside, and around, with the sincerity of a person sincere or a fool, depending on your point of view.
And I hope that the book has come out, you like.
Giorgio Bettinelli, Barista
« Barista, cretino, / ma che vino / mi hai portato questa sera, / io volevo del barbera / per dimenticare / non del whisky per star male...!....Barista portami da bere ancora perchè io voglio dimenticare lei, la sua bella faccia i suoi bei capelli, tutte le sue belle cose che c'ha addosso, barista... »
(Giorgio Bettinelli, Barista)
I present my backpack Michelle

From the previous post you can see that I am without backpack, then I present my Michelle,
my backpack Mammut 55 liters,
one of the backpacks that accompany me in my adventures,
and the choice for the next trip!
Then if you want to give me a new backpack donations are welcome for any amount!
FOLLOW ME in Marrakech to Fez, coming soon!
Donate for this blog and my experience

Life of Matteo Pennacchi
Nepal discovery un'avventura nel mondo
"It may be snobbery, conditioning of the current fashion, a desire to do something different, exiting from the routine of daily life can be a subtle reminder of the exotic. Many factors can prompt us to take a trip to the East and many regions have can meet our most varied requirements, but once you arrive in Nepal that we can not surrender to its charm, its serene and relaxed atmosphere that envelops.
This charm at first only occasionally, is transformed with time and contact with residents, in a love far deeper that stimulate us to improve our understanding of people living in this land, the knowledge of their environment and come back whenever you have the time and availability.
Nepal, its inhabitants and their way of life is ever more firmly rooted in our souls to become part of ourselves. But what does this focus? Difficult to give an answer that has the character of universality, but it is certain that many are aspects that make this small town a unique place in the world. It is the diversity of the landscape, which lusureggiante by tropical vegetation of the south and the green valleys of the center goes to the majestic peaks of the mountains and captivating the world's highest, both the profile architecture of cities and villages (it is no coincidence that Kathmandu is known as the Florence of Asia) can not remain indifferent to the Western visitor. "
This charm at first only occasionally, is transformed with time and contact with residents, in a love far deeper that stimulate us to improve our understanding of people living in this land, the knowledge of their environment and come back whenever you have the time and availability.
Nepal, its inhabitants and their way of life is ever more firmly rooted in our souls to become part of ourselves. But what does this focus? Difficult to give an answer that has the character of universality, but it is certain that many are aspects that make this small town a unique place in the world. It is the diversity of the landscape, which lusureggiante by tropical vegetation of the south and the green valleys of the center goes to the majestic peaks of the mountains and captivating the world's highest, both the profile architecture of cities and villages (it is no coincidence that Kathmandu is known as the Florence of Asia) can not remain indifferent to the Western visitor. "
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