
Harmonic Donation

Dreaming Beyond the horizon is a videoblogger, the main topics are Nature, Ecology, Environment, Culture, Religion, Music, Languages, Peoples, Cooking, Photography, Internet, Communication, Medicine, Mountains, Deserts, Peace, and there are also there will be more often, thanks to your contribution, special features, travel, adventure, sports, and more investigation, recorded by me.
These special features are a victory and a sign of expansion space for my internet use, experience and emotion that I can live in person, and I will try to transmit at most viewers will have to live with my emotions and let get your adrenaline seeing these magnificent movies. These videos have a huge cost in terms of daily effort, equipment and cash.
Being a reporter means being prepared to be anywhere at any time, so here I am not a reporter.
I am a backpacker dorm, and with professionalism and experience that boasts of hundreds of movies and photos, day and night, with friends, and solo, interviewing and observing, adventure or peace, sports or athletic I will not be anywhere anytime, but where I want when I want, always attentive, always ready, always game, 24 hours of light and dark when the end of the round needle has never ceased to work and publish.
Cameras (1000 €), cameras (1000 €), computer (1000€), microphones (300 €), lights (200 €), the video editing software (1000 €), the photo editing software (600 €), the easels (200 €), the Internet space (100 €), all materials mountaineering (2000 €), climbing (400 €), caving (400 €), canyoing (400 €), skiing (400 €), iron ( € 100), hiking (400 €), travel (200 €), Diving (1000 €), overall worth a priceless amount (I do not want to count) ... the equipment you wear, is broken and must be replaced, it must adopt new safety devices and adapt to new laws, then they are always having new purchases.
Also flights, taxes, hotels, meals, monuments, and the single tip, can have low costs as may be colassali, here I live in a part of the world where we adopt the second hypothesis, in Europe.
For these reasons, your support, through a donation, can make the difference between going ahead or abandon this grand project, in the footsteps of man.
Every small, medium, large bid, any offer, even the penny is accepted, and is the penny that makes a difference, Thank you for your cooperation.
Thanks again.


Per la lingua italiana vedi la pagina SUPPORT BACKPACKERROSSI

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